Closed off and in disrepair, the former Mercedes factory is getting ready to be resurrected from the ashes by Batlleiroig Architecture. Although it’s still a prototype, the paper neighbourhood - more commonly known as the "paper city”, which is the geographical definition of a place that doesn’t exist in reality - may not be with us yet, but we can’t deny that it’s outlined on the studio’s map. Barcelona is preparing for the return of a multifaceted complex, based on the pillars of sustainability and minimalism. Aiming to develop Industry 4.0, Ecodistrict laMercedes plans to focus on innovation, the economy, shops and services. Even so, 60% of the space will be used for housing. As for the outdoor space, be aware that it will function as a harmonious meeting point to promote social cohesion. Oh... just one more detail: cars will be banned within the boundaries of the Ecodistrict, so entry will be open to those involved and, of course, to everything that is synonymous with sustainability.